fredag 8. april 2011

todays newspaper

The exhibition got a recommendation from the great Tommy Olsson in todays issue of Morgenbladet.

Made my day!


torsdag 7. april 2011


The local newspaper in Hamar - Hamar Arbeiderblad - couldn´t resist blowing up my gorgeous bearded face on half a page last saturday...

onsdag 6. april 2011

on the radio

I was interviewed for the radio in connection with the exhibition.

You can listen to it here (approx 40 min. in to the program, sorry Norwegian/Swedish only): HERE

mandag 4. april 2011

the finished exhibition!

unfortunately very difficult to get good pictures in small, dark spaces with bright spotlights...

the Doctor is in

the Grand opening...

...of the exhibiton.

Unfortunately I was to busy talking when the my rooms were crowded with people, so these pics are from a litte later, when things had settled a bit

fredag 1. april 2011

perchance to dream

please, do not disturb

a nightstand and a chandelier in a corner

bedside manners

the bed installed and ready for dreams (it´s a dream-incubator)

and here´s a model of the bed, inside a nightstand...

and the "King of the Night Time World" (that´s a line from a song by Kiss... ;-))

a few of the people I met in my dreams

a wall with lists of the names of a few of the people I met in my dreams...

tirsdag 29. mars 2011


Started installing the exhibition monday and tuesday. I´m back at home in Oslo now, but will go to Hamar on thursday and friday to finnish up. Looking good so far, if I may say so myself...

a hotel room and the myth of the artist

la muse verte

...the stuff dreams are made of (except I didn´t dream much, since I woke too early on account of a building site elevator, right outside my window, that started going up and down with a grinding, squeaking noice, at seven o´clock in the morning...)

the beginning...

...of the end...

At Last!

Off to Hamar!

Approximately One Million Thanks (!) goes out to my two extraordinary helpers Carina and Rune!!! You are absolutely The Best!

Yes, belive it or not, but this is actually the man I´m trusting to drive my art to Hamar.
Actually I would trust this man with anything, even my life if it would come to that.

In Espa (the place where they sell the best buns on earth (at least that´s what they say themselves) we found this: Urban Wienertoast (remember my middle name is actually Urban...)

At last: Kunstbanken!

Carina is my hero, she´s unstoppable (and stronger than three men)!

Bye,bye! Thanks again for your help!!!